Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Illiad Essays - Trojans, Mythological Kings, Ajax, Suicide

The Illiad The Illiad is a story that deals with a small part of the Trojan War. The cause of this war is when Paris, the prince of Troy, sailed to Sparta, seduced and abducted Helen and returned to Troy. When Menelaos discovered that his wife was gone, he gathered a number of Greek generals together to go with him, conquer Troy, and retrieve his wife. However, the Illiad only covers a few months during the tenth year of the war. In this time, many important events took place that could have possibly altered the outcome of this historic event? Two beautiful women whom were enemies of the Achaians are captured during one of the many raids the army had on Troy. One of the women, named Chryseis is the prize for Ahomemnon (the king and commander-in ?chief of the Achaians). But Chryseis' father, Chryses wants his daughter back. Chryses whom was the priest God of Apollo, is hoping to go to the Achaian camp and claim his daughter. Unfortunately, this plan did not work out. And because of this, Chryses prays to Apollo for help. Apollo did in fact help the old man by spreading a deadly plague through the Achaian army, killing hundreds of them. After days of this, the Achaian's most honored soldier, Achilles calls a meeting to determine the cause of the plague. A soothsayer of the Achaians determines that King Agamemnon's arrogance caused the plague by not returning the woman whom was captured to be his war prize. After finding this out, the woman is returned but Agamemnon takes Briseis whom was the prize captured for Achilles. Achi lles is angry and publicly insulted so therefore he refuses to fight for the Achaians and withdrawals his troops. He then requests to his mother Thetis (a sea nymph) to influence Zeus to help the Trojans defeat the Achaians. The leader of the Gods promises Thetis that he will help. Zeus sends a dream to Agomemnon that has him convinced he will defeat the Trojans in battle the next day. With the order from Agomemnon, the army prepares itself for attack. The Trojans and Achaians draw towards each other and Paris challenges one of the Achaians to a one on one fight. The challenger of this is Menelaos. The winner will win Helen and both sides will agree on a treaty of peace. During the duel, Menelaos wounds Paris and begins dragging him to the Achaian's territory when suddenly, Aphrodite appears and rescues him. Agamemnon announces to his army that they have won and demands that Helen is given back to them. Goddesses Hera and Athena want a complete destruction of Troy and they ask Zeus if no truce were made. Zeus, in turn gives in and grants them their wish. As a result, the fighting soon resumes. As a way to start the war anew, Athena searches for Pandaros, a Trojan leader and tells him to kill Menelaos. Being the type of person Pandaros is, he follows through with her advice. But instead of killing Menelaos, he only wounds him. The Achaians are shocked that the Trojans would do this being that the truce is still in order. While Menelaos is being treated, other Trojan warriors' get into battle order. Nevertheless, Agamemnon orders his Achaian troops to prepare to fight and this begins the war (again). The battle continues with much violence and many men are killed. When Diomedes is wounded by Pandoros, he turns to Athena for help. Athena gives the Achaian soldier courage, which helps him to drive the Trojans back and kill Pondoros. Diomedes wounds Aeneas but doesn't kill the Trojan nobleman because his mother Aphrodite rescues him. Ares, the god of war gets involved on the Trojan's side by helping Heckor (prince of the Trojans) command his forces. At first this plan works but then the Achaians receive strength from Hera and Athena. The Achaians are becoming stronger by driving the Trojans back. But, the Trojans are weakening thus causing Hektor to return to Troy. He tells the queen and the other royal women to make an offering of Athena in the temple in hopes to get her to ease her fury off of the Trojans.

Monday, November 25, 2019

The Renaissance in Spain essays

The Renaissance in Spain essays When the new colonies were formed in the New World, it brought a great deal of wealth and prosperity to Spain. The immense resources in North and South America were being exploited; this trade was controlled from the Iberian Peninsula. Charles of Spain, later became Emperor Charles, took over an empire including Africa, America, and Asia. He set up a colonial administration in the New World and his son Philip II developed into a comprehensive system (Doreen Yardwood 24). After England defeated Spain in the Armada, Spanish power began to decline. The Spanish dominated costume and dress during this time. At this period, costume was elaborate and luxurious. The 16th century never surpassed because of embroidery, jeweled fabrics, laces, ruffs, collars, and perfume and powder. Europe had special trades; craftsmen made fabrics decorated them, and tailored them to perfection. Spanish dress and costume was characterized by elegance. Spain introduced the ruff, farthingale, cape and corset. These items were made more popular by the English, German, Dutch, and French dress. The Spanish usually wore the color black for normal wear. For festive and important occasions they wore bright colors. Garments were made from heavy, rich fabrics like velvet and satin. They were decorated with black or white silk, and gold or silver thread with pearls and jewels. The Moorish inspired the beauty of textiles, for example, motifs, embroideries, jewels, girdles, and buttons. The Roman Catholic Church and Spanish court influenced the constriction of whaleboned and basted costume. These garments were not comfortable to wear. When women wore a farthingale and a corset, it caused them to walk with perfect posture in a dignified way, instead of natural movement. The Spanish introduced padding. The ideal Spanish figure in the Renaissance period was slim, and both men and women wore corsets to look slim. The usual squared-shaped m...

Friday, November 22, 2019

A library of ancient information

The totality of an organism’s genes is known as its genome and since each gene provides the instructions for making a specific protein, the genome can be thought of as a collection or library of instruction manuals for producing all the proteins necessary for an organism to function normally and survive (Krogh, 2003). This collection though, is not one that is built up as the organism grows but rather, one that is inherited from the organism’s parents. Human beings have 46 sets of these instruction manuals called chromosomes. Chromosomes come in pairs but during reproduction, only half of each pair is passed on by each parent to their offspring so that the offspring would likewise end up having a total of 46 chromosomes (Krogh, 2003). This goes on for each new generation of offspring produced and so if we try to trace things back we can imagine how we have, for example, inherited the gene for our particular hair color from either our mother or father, and how they in turn have likewise inherited theirs from either of their parents. Going a long way back towards our ancestors’ generation, we can therefore imagine ourselves as having inherited inside us a library of ancient instruction manuals which tell our body how to produce proteins practically the same way that they have been produced in our ancestors. Naturally though it would be expected that during the course of time, modifications may have been made in these instructions but the fact still remains that these basic instructions were passed on from one generation to the next so that the information it carries may serve succeeding generations. A library of ancient information The totality of an organism’s genes is known as its genome and since each gene provides the instructions for making a specific protein, the genome can be thought of as a collection or library of instruction manuals for producing all the proteins necessary for an organism to function normally and survive (Krogh, 2003). This collection though, is not one that is built up as the organism grows but rather, one that is inherited from the organism’s parents. Human beings have 46 sets of these instruction manuals called chromosomes. Chromosomes come in pairs but during reproduction, only half of each pair is passed on by each parent to their offspring so that the offspring would likewise end up having a total of 46 chromosomes (Krogh, 2003). This goes on for each new generation of offspring produced and so if we try to trace things back we can imagine how we have, for example, inherited the gene for our particular hair color from either our mother or father, and how they in turn have likewise inherited theirs from either of their parents. Going a long way back towards our ancestors’ generation, we can therefore imagine ourselves as having inherited inside us a library of ancient instruction manuals which tell our body how to produce proteins practically the same way that they have been produced in our ancestors. Naturally though it would be expected that during the course of time, modifications may have been made in these instructions but the fact still remains that these basic instructions were passed on from one generation to the next so that the information it carries may serve succeeding generations.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Group Membership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Group Membership - Essay Example It is a standard for Filipinos to have the typical Asian character of being family oriented and tightly knit among clans. Filipinos are also known to be extremely friendly and hospitable to everyone. It is because of this trait that other people are very trusting of Filipinos. Filipinos would generally go out of their way to make others feel welcome and comfortable even at the expense of their own comfort zones.Another group I feel associated with, although not entirely feel obliged to be part of, are those interested or is part of the military field. People from the military follow a strict discipline to the point that it is almost stereotyped. This is not always the case, however, that every soldier maintains such steady conduct. There are cases when soldiers or military enthusiasts are just merely power tripping bullies with authority or ego issues. The soldiers who keep true to their code of conduct, self-control, and patience are men who possess distinct traits that are above me re bravado. Between the norms of these two different groups that I belong to, I follow the norms of the military group more than my ethnic group norms. The reason is that it holds more personal use for me with regard to having a strong self-conduct. The military group norm helps cover for my personal weaknesses in character. Being very hospitable and trusting of others is not inherently a terrible trait, but it is easy to be taken advantage of and be played the fool in the end.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Do you think that Mr. Champlin should have consulted with the Navy Essay

Do you think that Mr. Champlin should have consulted with the Navy before spending his time and money on this project - Essay Example Navy irrespective of whether they were lost or considered abandoned in U.S., foreign or international waters. These guidelines are based on the US Constitutional and international maritime laws and the ownership is consistent with Articles 95 and 96 of the Laws of the Sea Convention. These articles delineate the terms of immunity of warships in international waters. Additionally, the statutes as they stand with regards to federal property dictate that all lost or presumed abandoned ships and aircrafts should not be disturbed or removed without a formal application and approval of said application before the property is moved. Operating under this tenet, the actions of Mr. Champlin proved to be in violation of the law. Essentially, he was ignorant of the law but this does not relive any responsibility for its compliance. I find it presumptuous of Mr. Champlin to ask for a refund when he blatantly violated several statutes with regards to presumably abandoned governmental property. I feel that Mr. Champlin should make it his business to be appraised with regards to the special rules of federal property especially in light of the fact that he intended to gain possession of it.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

How Medical Marijuana Works Essay Example for Free

How Medical Marijuana Works Essay Marijuana or cannabis is well known for a recreational drug used by younger school age children as well as older Adults. To some people, the idea of medical marijuana is nothing more than an excuse to get the high card. Most school-age children use marijuana because of peer pressure from their classmates or buddies in general. Most older adults have turned to marijuana due to stress in their everyday life. The medical benefits of medical cannabis offer it patients are, swept completely under the rug. In fact, many individuals do not know that cannabis served as a well-established medical treatment until it was criminalized in 1937. Medical marijuana should be legalized in all fifty states. The number of people that suffer is in the millions. Americans that suffer from chronic pain is 100 million, Diabetes is 25.8 million, Heart disease 16.3 million, Strokes 7 million and Cancer patients 11.9 million, the total of American that suffer are 161 million. Why is the government being so inhuman and not legalizing marijuana? There are 29 states that have legalized Medical Marijuana. They are Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington, Washington DC, and West Virginia. All these states have approved Medical Marijuana. Legal weed created 18, 005 full-time jobs and added about $2.4 billion to the state’s economy last year in Colorado. The 15 Langley 2 percent special excise tax on marijuana sales in Arizona’s legalization proposal generate over $114 million in new tax revenue in 2016 and 2017. Maine has improved their state revenue by $69 million. Nevada has shown 161 thousand new jobs, and 89 million dollars increase in their state revenue. Why don’t all the state legalize medical marijuana to help build their budgets so everyone can benefit? In the state of Oklahoma, schools budget could increase, so teachers could get a well-deserved salary. College and Universities could have better learning material as well as the instructors, Professors, and staff could have better salaries and benefits. In the United States, there is 76 % of doctors that are for medical marijuana, 14 % that would use it if it was legal, but would not vote for it, and 10% that don’t care. The 10% is for prescription drugs. A young doctor diagnosed a 5year old child with Dravet Syndrome and she was having more than 300 Grand Mal Seizures a week. This doctor gave this child medical marijuana as treatment and she now has 4 to 6 seizures a month. A gentleman was having Migraines that would last up to two weeks at a time, was giving medical marijuana and now has a migraine once a month at the most. With the benefits of medical Marijuana, all states should legalize marijuana. The health benefits to patients as well as the benefit to the budgets of each state. Medical Marijuana has proven to help treat Migraines, slow down the growth of tumors, relieve the pain of Chronic diseases, Prevent Alzheimer’s, help with ADD, and ADHD, relieve PMS, calm patients that have Tourette’s and OCD.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

An Examination of The Meditations, by Descartes :: The Meditations Essays

Descartes overall objective in The Meditations is to question knowledge. To explore such metaphysical issues as the existence of God and the separation of mind and body, it was important for him to distinguish what we can know as truth. He believed that reason as opposed to experience was the source for discovering what is of absolute certainty. In my explication, I will examine meditation two in order to discover why knowledge was so important to Descartes. Meditation One The first meditation acts as a foundation for all those that follow. Here Descartes discerns between mere opinion and strict absolute certainty. To make this consideration he establishes that he must first "attack those principles which supported everything I once believed."(quote, paraphrase) He first examines those beliefs that require our senses. He questions, whether our senses are true indicators of what they represent. By inspecting our sometimes firm belief in the reality of dreams, he comes to the conclusion that our senses are prone to error and thereby cannot reliably distinguish between certainty and falsity. To examine those ideas that have "objective reality," Descartes makes the improbable hypothesis of "an evil genius, as clever and deceitful as he is powerful, who has directed his entire effort to misleading me" (45 ). By proposing this solution he is able to suspend his judgment and maintain that all his former beliefs are false. By using doubt as his tool, Descartes is now ready to build his following proofs with certainty. Meditation Two Comparing his task to that of Archimedes, Descartes embarks on his journey of truth. Attempting to affirm the idea that God must exist as a fabricator for his ideas, he stumbles on his first validity: the notion that he (Descartes) exists. He ascertains that if he can both persuade himself of something, and likewise be deceived of something, then surely he must exist. This self validating statement is known as the Cogito Argument. Simply put it implies whatever thinks exists. Having established this, Descartes asks himself: What is this I which "necessarily exists"? Descartes now begins to explore his inner consciousness to find the essence of his being. He disputes that he is a "rational animal" for this idea is difficult to understand. He scrutinizes whether perhaps he is a body infused with a soul but this idea is dismissed since he cannot be certain of concepts that are of the material world.

Monday, November 11, 2019

KFC and McDonald’s marketing strategy in China Essay

Abstract McDonald’s is the greatest fast food chain in the world, its company sales and operate income was largely exceeded KFC on a global scale, but it confronted a strong challenge from KFC when it emerged into China. This essay analyzes the comparison between KFC and McDonald’s marketing strategy, emphases on finding the similarities and differentiations from â€Å"Seven P Formula† and finally makes a conclusion that localization is more suitable than globalization as the marketing strategy when fast food chain emerged in China’s market. Introduction Localization or Globalization has long been discussed when choosing strategic orientation in international marketplace. These two international marketing philosophies influenced enterprises’ current situation and future development. There are two fast food international companies named McDonald’s and Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) who initially adopted different marketing strategies in China that led to differentiation for their future development. McDonald’s first franchise was founded in the United States in 1955, serve people for hamburger, french fries and other type of fast food, while KFC also from the same country, is now one brand of Yum, which first restaurant was founded in 1952 and mainly sells unique taste cooked chicken. From global scope, McDonald’s is exceeding KFC from company sales, operating profit to worldwide system units. McDonald’s company- operated sales were ï ¼â€ž18875 million, operating income was ï ¼â€ž8764 million and it had 35429 systemwide restaurants in 2013(McDonald’s, 2013), while KFC’s company sales were ï ¼â€ž11184 million, operating profit was ï ¼â€ž1798 million and there were 18875 KFC restaurants in 2013(YUM, 2013). However, as these two global fast-food brands emerged in China, the situation has been reversed. McDonald’s annual report uses APMEA (Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa) as representative of Asian but not show the profit from China while KFC can saw significant progress in China, and it highlighted the progress in new restaurants, recruits and volume growth in annual report. The difference between these  two fast food companies was mainly due to their marketing strategies. That is, localization is more suitable than globalization as the marketing strategy when fast food chain emerged in China’s market. Definition The concept of marketing has long been defined by different people. The easiest one to understand may be a process of planning and executing, from price, products, ideas and services to satisfy customers and organizations objectives (Ferrell et al, 1987). This definition emphases marketing as a process preformed in organization, which has an overview of its practical function. It has mutually beneficial between providers and customers’ exchange, where provider’s goal is to offer products and service to achieve profit and customer’s goal is to purchase products which benefit their daily life. Marketing strategy could be the plan that identifying what is the customers’ requirement and what marketing goals and objectives could be achieved if selling particular goods and services in an available time (Jonathan, 2009). Briefly is the competitive plan that the organization will have. Marketing strategy enables an organization to have an understanding on the envi ronment and achieve its goals and objectives by using its resources that can meet the needs of customs (Douglas et al, 2010). A good marketing strategy would effectively improve company to supervise their value and create consumers’ brand loyalty. Localization is a strategy that advocates enterprises to adapt to local culture. The process often set up their products, services and promotion customized relate to local market. Enterprise should try to integrate into and treat them as an inherent member but not a foreigner to the local culture in the target market, which emphasizes the enterprise must adapt to the environment to gain more space in order to further development (Warren, 2008). KFC is an example that has developed food, drink and service highly sensitized to localization. KFC was the first western fast food chain emerged in China in 1987. In order to succeed, KFC abandoned its U.S. business model and planned to sell core products and services locally. Since it started to now, the company’s strength and competences accumulation has exceeded a major part of fast food companies and successfully posed formidable barriers to competitors in China. Globalization was defined by Edmund as the process of creating links  between individuals and organizations that transcend national boundaries and a re not subject to political interference (Edmund, 2008). Globalization is also a marketing strategy that the organization extended their activities worldwide, it is a main tendency for international companies or company who want to operate in other countries. This tendency was influenced by technical factors such as information and communication technology revolution, and principle of finance and trade, also affected by the movement of people. Globalization will continue be a major tendency in the future because of opportunities, which created huge increases in prosperity, notably in emerging markets, such as China (Martin, 2013). McDonald’s was the example that opened it first restaurant in China in 1990 and adopted globalization strategy initially, but eventually achieved few successes than KFC in China’s market. The similarity and differentiation between KFC and McDonald’s in China’s market KFC opened its first outlet in Beijing in 1987, it was the first western fast food company at that time and now it has 4563 outlets, which can be regarded as the largest restaurant chain in China (YUM, 2013). McDonald’s first restaurant opened in China in 1990, and now it has 2003 outlets all around the China. From the apparent distinction of the outlets, it is necessary to analyses the similarity and differentiation between them. The largest difference was the time these two companies settled in China and implemented their strategies. Franchising is a business format that the franchisor grants a license to franchisee and franchisee then can use it logo, products and goodwill. For example, McDonald’s allow other business man open their chain by using the same name if they have paid initial fee and ongoing management service fee (Colin, C et al, 2012). KFC use collaborative mode l of direct and franchise chain which laid the solid foundation of completive advantages. KFC is earlier than McDonald’s to implement franchising, who established the first franchising restaurant in 1993 and continue implement â€Å"do not start from scratch† mode, which means franchisee do not need to found a location, recruiting and training new employees but apply to join in and take over a mature restaurant. In that situation, franchisees can omit the preparatory work and incorporate themselves to the standard management system as soon as possible. However,  McDonald’s insist on implementing direct chain operate until 2003, while KFC has developed about 40 franchise locations during this period. Thus, McDonald’s was fall behind to KFC at the initial stage, which have deep influence on their future development. Marketing strategy helps make recognition of international opportunity on seven parts: product, price, promotion, place, positioning, packaging, and people. The â€Å"Seven P Formula† was used to evaluate and reevaluate the b usiness activities. As the marketing environment changed so rapidly that it is vital to track and achieve the maximum results by adjust seven P (Brain, 2004). The similarities and differentiation of seven P between two companies also illustrate localization is suitable than globalization. Product â€Å"A product is anything that be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use, or consumption that might satisfy a want or need.† (Philip, 2011). A product contains good, service and ideas. Food is a heart concept of the society and services from the fast-food chain would attract consumers and change customers’ attitude. KFC obtained the success of fast food market mainly by selling chicken products. KFC’s products utilized standard production, which selling inexpensive western-style items with local favor. KFC’s menu changed rapidly to follow the changeable market as they followed product life cycle from introduction, growth to maturity and finally decline. Some products offered temporarily while other permanently. For example, since 24th of March in 2014, KFC started to use the new menus, which eliminated seven items, renewed one item and added fourteen items. The totally variety has reached to 66 products. The success of KFC also from its spec ial ingredients, Sanders’ Original Recipe of â€Å"11 herbs and spices† is one of the most famous trade secret in fast food industry (Chartrand, 2001). The mystery ingredients mixed with local ingredients created a large amount of customers. The manager of KFC realizes that the customers in Sichuan, Hunan and Chongqin are preferred chilly while Shanghai customers would complain the dishes are too spicy. So the company adopted the localization strategy in products and finally changed its recipes to suit the region. McDonald’s mainly selling hamburger with beef, which is a typical western food style. Chinese prefer chicken to beef for some reasons. Firstly, may be  the price, according to the latest price of beef and chicken, there is large gap between them, the average price of beef is 66.60RMB (approximately 6.5 pounds) per kilogram while the average price of chicken only in 19.58RMB (approximately 1.8 pounds) per kilogram (data from the government of china price). Secondly, the traditional cultivation industry in China raise more chicken than cattle, as cattle is so heavy that will eat more and its long growth stage means costly when buying. Due to the price of raw materials, company would change their recipes to adapt the regions, which means products localization. By far, McDonald’s menus have seventeen types of burger and four type of rice, others are beverages and dessert. And McDonald’s insist on standardization on products and just had little change on some food, such as start to sell soy milk for breakfast from 2011. From the difference of the menu, it is obviously that KFC has more products and local appetite products than McDonald’s. Compared the products, KFC’s localization strategy is more suitable than McDonald’s globalization strategy in China. Price Price is the customer pays for a product or a service. It is the most important factor of marketing (McCarthy, 1975). Prices would affect company’s marketing decision and organization’s goal and the achievement in sales volume would influences price reversal. So, it is difficult for manager decide which price is the best, especially in a downturn. Because recessions make customers are able to shift another products or service with lower price as alternatives or substitute (Douglas.2010). The price of a product may go up or go down along with time and location. The right choice of pricing strategy will benefit the company’s competitive position. KFC and McDonald’s use multiple pricing strategies in different situation. They mainly choose the price skimming strategy, the process of selling product or a service for a high price initially, then gradually reducing the price in order to access new market segments(Price , 2009) as their pricing strategy in China. The staple food in KFC contains ten units(six of burger, two types of roll and two types of rice ) in the latest menu, hamburgers’ price fluctuated around 14 RMB (approximately 1.3 pounds), while McDonald’s have nine burger as its staple food and the price range from 6 to 16.5 RMB due to  different meat. McDonald’s mainly sell beef burger all around the world, but the high price is not suitable in developing country, therefore, it started sell burger with pork, chicken, duck and fish. KFC and McDonald’s fierce competition sometimes force each other to adjust their price according to the cost and demand. Promotion Promotion is an activity that designed to boost the sales of products and service (Jonathan, 2009). Sales promotion also defined as an activity or martial that acts as an inducement to stimulate consumers to buy the products (Sally et al, 2012). Companies are aimed at stimulating sales through advertising campaign, temporary price reductions and variety types of promotion methods. The brand would be intangible assets and goodwill of a company. The more successful it promote, the more it will creating brand loyalty from customers. KFC restaurant in China has a large logo of ‘KFC’ and the portrait of Colonel which leave deep impression on Chinese. It has changed old logo to a new one, which stress on â€Å"Taste† and present youthful energy, friendlier and more welcoming. The promotions of KFC are varied from advertising in television to Internet, or distributing coupons in public place. Every year, KFC would have new menus to attract customers and provide meal set, such as buy burger with cola together will save money. Sometimes KFC will send gifts as premiums to attract customers, especially children. It also distributes coupons in the street or can download app of KFC, then you can get small discount from the product. McDonald’s logo is a golden arch of M, with a slogan of ‘I’m lovin’ it’. The promotion method of McDonald’s is similar to KFC. Coupons, package and digital marketing all create growth in marketing. Place and Positioning Place is where the products or service actually sold, it includes geographical location which offered products or services and different types of distribution channel (McCarthy, 1975). The product or service positioning has been described as the place occupied in a particular marketing where product is targeted by customer (Wind, 1980). Generally, Fast food chain has two target consumers. One is the people who live in a busy life. Such as employees who spend whole day in front of computers. These people busy at their working and had no time preparing food. Fast food gives them the chance to eat in a very short time. The other is the consumer who does not like cooking such as young people. KFC and McDonald’s give them the chance to try new. Target on these consumers, these two companies has their special outlets placement strategy. In order to satisfy consumers who have a busy lifestyle, they open their outlets in cities, in which has a higher population density and well-developed transport system. And to those who want to try new and unwilling to cook by themselves, the restaurant always placed close to schools, universities, city centre and commercial areas that young people study at and prefer to go. It has published in McDonald’s official website for the restaurant development. â€Å"McDonald’s looks for the best locations within the marketplace to provide our customers with convenience. We build quality restaurants in neighborhoods as well as airports, malls, tollways, and colleges at a value to our customers.†(from McDonald’s official website), while KFC provides customers with the most convenient, desirable and accessible restaurant locations across the country, such as the outlets in the city centre of Beijing and Shanghai, where has shopping mall or commercial street. People go shopping in those place prefer to find a comfortable place to have a rest, drink a cup of tea or coffee and eat some food. KFC and McDonald’s success in choosi ng location set a good example for other fast food restaurants. Packaging Packaging is a part of marketing process and link to brand identity. The impact on the image of product ultimately derived from customer’s perception of satisfaction. Package is a vital part of a product that making it more versatile, safer and easier to use (Sally et al, 2012). The customer would evaluate the product or service from the first moment of seeing. And package characteristics help sharp buyers’ impression during use. Then their attitude would influence their purchase decisions. KFC’s package adopted world class packaging with new logo which has character of KFC and the portrait of Colonel in the middle of front page. And the design is flexible to local market. McDonald’s package use more colorful package with creative idea. And also has the logo ‘M’ in every package. These two companies both  adopt family packaging, an approach in which all of company’s package are similar or include one major element of the design (Sally et al, 2012), as their approach to promote. Both of their package had live a deep impression on Chinese. People All the people directly or indirectly involved in the service or production will concern in market when making marketing strategy. Customers, employees and other people are inseparable when production and consumption happened. It is essential to pay attention to those people (Booms et al. 1981). KFC in China targets on the concepts of family and group. The customers range from children to the elders. Before 2004, McDonald’s insists on families centered on children, at the same time, attracted young person and young parents. After the year of 2004, the target market has been young people whose age between 4 and 30. McDonald’s advocates the passion and enthusiasm in younger while KFC emphasis on the harmony between family members, in China, this particular marketing where the concepts of family was strengthen, KFC therefore occupied advantages. Through the comparisons of KFC and McDonald’s from seven aspects in marketing strategy, it can have a clear judgment between them. The reason why China has become the place that KFC exceed McDonald’s initially because the policy makers think highly of this particular market and understand the cross cultural management, the appropriate survey helps avoid mistake. Conclusion In conclusion, KFC and McDonald’s adopted different strategies for their development in China. The gross or net profit from their annual report shows that they both have success on operating and developing, but the content emphases on China’s market have apparent difference as their initially adopted localization and standardization (globalization) in advent of China. It means the localization strategy of KFC adopted in China market is more suitable than globalization strategy. The great achievement of KFC in China is not an accident while McDonalds’ backward does not mean their strategy is not good. KFC’s success is largely because it realizes the distinctiveness of the Chinese market and emphasis on the local environment and local customers. References: Booms, B. & Bitner, M. J. (1981). Marketing Strategies and Organizational Structures for Service Firms. Marketing of Services, James H. Donnelly and William R. George, eds. Chicago: American Marketing Association, 47-51. Brain, T. (2004). The 7 Ps of Marketing. Million Dollar Habits: Proven Power Practices to Double and Triple Your Income. p133-140 Charles, D.(2011). A Dictionary of Marketing (3rd ed). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Wansink, B. (1996). Can package size accelerate usage volume?. Journal of Marketing 60(3):1-14 Chartrand, S. (2001). 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Saturday, November 9, 2019

Public Bank Berhad

Public Bank Berhad The Public Bank Malaysia was founded in the year 1966. The logo, in modern geometric design, is conceived from two interlocking octagons denoting the domestic and international connections of the Group. The interlocking of the two octagons also suggests security, strength and stability. As per the latest reports Public Bank Malaysia is the largest domestic bank in Malaysia after Malayan Banking Berhad. The Public Bank Malaysia, in terms of its market capitalization, is the largest corporation in Malaysia that is not linked with the Government.The expansion and progress of the Group are symbolised by the edges of the octagons pointing outwards at various directions. Additionally, the graphic formation of the two interlocking octagons also creates an â€Å"eye† of foresight of the organisation. Industry Of Public Bank Berhad Public Bank Berhad is an industry leader in hire purchase financing, home mortgage financing and commercial lending to SMEs in Malaysia. The bank has a strong distribution network comprising 248 full service branches in Malaysia and 109 overseas in Hong Kong, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Sri Lanka. Public BankProduct Range Of Public Bank Berhad Public Bank Berhad in one of the leading providers of integrated financial services in Malaysia. It primarily focuses on providing banking and financial services. The bank is engaged in offering various financial products and services, which includes investment banking, commercial banking, wealth management products, and Islamic banking services. Target Market Of Public Bank Berhad The whole Malaysian, Hong Kong, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Sri Lanka. Aimed at providing customized banking services and products to individual customers in addition to small business concerns.Consumer Groups The core business areas of the Public Bank Group are consumer and retail commercial loans. Individuals and families can find a range of lending solutions to buy residential unit, vehicle or a consumer good. The bank offers home loan, car loan, passenger vehicle hire purchase financing and personal loan at easy terms and conditions. The small and medium sized enterprises, too, can find simplified procedure here to apply for a commercial loan. Position of The Company In Relation To Other Competitors Public Bank Berhad operates in the Commercial banks sector.This analysis compares Public Bank Berhad with three other companies: Malayan Banking Berhad (2011 sales of 18. 28 billion Malaysian Ringgits [US$5. 85 billion] of which 25% was Consumer Banking), Cimb Group Holdings Berhad (2010 sales: 16. 06 billion Malaysian Ringgits [US$5. 14 billion] of which 19% was Foreign Banking Ope), and AMMB Holdings Berhad (2011 sales of 5. 83 billion Malaysian Ringgits [US$1. 87 billion] of which 46% was Retail Banking). Company| Sales(blns)| P/E| P/B| Mkt Cap(RMm)| Revenue(RM’000,000)| Public Bank Berhad| 10. 345| 13. 1| 3. 10| 45,067. 8| 10,523| Malayan Banking Berhad| 18. 278| 13. 0| 1. 90| 62,592. 67| 18,397| Cimb Group Holdings Berhad| 16. 059| 13. 5| 2. 07| 55,597. 16| 16,635| AMMB Holdings Berhad| 5. 831| 12. 2| 1. 69| 17,904. 26| 6,343| Market Capital Revenue Ratio For Public Bank | 2008| 2009| 2010| Current ratio| 120,700,000,000/34,789,000,000=3. 47| 137,600,000,000/41,835,000,000=3. 29| 156,500,000,000/45,911,000,000=3. 41| Quick ratio| 60,656,000,000/34,789,000,000=1. 97| 67,986,000,000/41,835,000,000=1. 63| 59,269,000,000/45,911,000,000=1. 29| Average age of inventory | Impossible since PBB is not involved in trading.No inventories| Impossible since PBB is not involved in trading. No inventories| Impossible since PBB is not involved in trading. No inventories| Average Collection Period| Impossible since PBB is not involved in trading. No sales hence no receivables| Impossible since PBB is not involved in trading. No sales hence no receivables| Impossible since PBB is not involved in trading. No sales hence no receivables| Average payme nt period| Impossible since PBB is not involved in trading. No purchases| Impossible since PBB is not involved in trading. No purchases| Impossible since PBB is not involved in trading.No purchases| Total asset turnover| 10,500,307,000/196,163,106,000=0. 054| 9,715,568,000/271,136,154,000=0. 045| 11,035,597,000/226,328,976,000=0. 049| Debt ratio| (185,934,374,000/196,163,106,000)x100=94. 79%| (205,420,830,000/217,136,154,000)x100=94. 60%| (212,643,888,000/226,328,976,000)x100=93. 96%| Time interest earned| 18,790,015,000/4,562,396,000=4. 12x| 17,068,609,000/3,316,609,000=5. 15x| 19,149,128,000/3,516,111,000=5. 45x| Gross profit margin| (3,948,155,000/10,500,307,000)x100=37. 60%| (4,015,055,000/9,715,568,000)x100=41. 33%| (4,738,265,000/11,035,597,000)x100=42. 4%| Net profit margin| (2,622,660,000/10,500,307,000)x100=24. 98%| (2,551,540,000/9,715,568,000)x100=26. 26%| (3,099,077,000/11,035,597,000)x100=28. 08%| ROA| (2,622,660,000/196,163,106,000)x100=1. 34%| (2,551,540,000/217,136,1 54,000)x100=1. 18%| (3,099,077,000/226,328,976,000)x100=1. 37%| ROE| (2,622,660,000/10,228,732,000)x100=25. 64%| (2,551,540,000/11,715,324,000)x100=21. 78%| (3,099,077,000/13,685,088,000)x100=22. 65%| Analysis Of Public Bank Performance Liquidity Ratio Current Ratio = Current assets/current liabilities 2008| 2009| 2010| 120,700,000,000/ 34,789,000,000 =3. 7| 137,600,000,000/ 41,835,000,000 =3. 29| 156,500,000,000/ 45,911,000,000 =3. 41| The ratio is mainly used to measure the company's ability to pay back  its short-term liabilities with its short-term assets. As we seen the company current ratio for these 3 years, there are decreases from year 2008 to year 2009 but they increase back when come to year 2010. These 3 years current ratio is significant higher than the acceptable ratio. The acceptable ratio is 2:1 but for the public bank, the current ratio are (2008 1 : 3. 47, 2009 1 : 3. 29, 2010 1 : 3. 41).These shows that the Public Bank is not using its resources as efficiently a s it could be. Public Bank should reduce its current assets so there are no excessive current assets. Quick Ratio = (current assets-inventories)/current liabilities 2008| 2009| 2010| 60,656,000,000/ 34,789,000,000 =1. 97| 67,986,000,000/ 41,835,000,000 =1. 63| 59,269,000,000/ 45,911,000,000 =1. 29| Quick ratio  measures  a company's ability to meet  its short-term obligations with  its most liquid assets. The higher the quick ratio,  the  better the position of the  company. From the company 3 years quick ratio, the quick ratio are (2008 1 : 1. 7, 2009 1 : 1. 63, 2010 1 : 1. 29) These shows that the company quick ratio is slightly higher than the acceptable ratio that are 1:1. But the quick ratio for the company are getting better year to year. The company should reduce its current account to reach the desirable ratio that are 1:1. Activity Ratio Average age of inventory =(Average inventories/Cost of sales)x365 2008| 2009| 2010| N/A| N/A| N/A| Impossible to compute sin ce Public Bank Berhad is not involved in trading. No physical inventories are involved. Average collection period = (receivables/sales) x365 2008| 2009| 2010|N/A| N/A| N/A| Impossible to compute since Public Bank Berhad is not involved in trading. No physical inventories are involved. Average payment period =(Payable/Cost of sales)x365 2008| 2009| 2010| N/A| N/A| N/A| Impossible to compute since Public Bank Berhad is not involved in trading. No physical purchases are involved. Total assets turn over= Operating revenue/total assets 2008| 2009| 2010| 10,500,307,000/196,163,106,000 =0. 054| 9,715,568,000/271,136,154,000 =0. 045| 11,035,597,000/226,328,976,000 =0. 049| Asset turnover  measures  a firm's efficiency at using its assets in generating sales.The total assets turnover over for the 3 years, there are decrease in year 2009 but increases in year 2010. For each RM1 of assets for the year 2008, Public Bank only manage to generate RM0. 054 of sales. For the year 2009 and 2010, for each RM1 of the assets, Public Bank only generates RM0. 045 and RM0. 049 of sales. The amount are worsen but there are increases for year 2010. This is because the company have higher profit margin, so they would have lower assets turnover. Financial Ratio Debt ratio=(Total liabilities/Total asset)x100% 2008| 2009| 2010| (185,934,374,000/196,163,106,000)x100=94. 9%| (205,420,830,000/217,136,154,000)x100=94. 60%| (212,643,888,000/226,328,976,000)x100=93. 96%| A ratio that indicates what proportion of debt a company has relative to its assets. The measure gives an idea to the leverage of the company along with the potential risks the company faces in terms of its debt-load. Time Interest Earned Ratio=EBIT/Interest 2008| 2009| 2010| 18,790,015,000/4,562,396,000=4. 12x| 17,068,609,000/3,316,609,000=5. 15x| 19,149,128,000/3,516,111,000=5. 45x| Ensuring interest payments to debt holders and preventing bankruptcy depends mainly on a company's ability to sustain earnings.However, a high ratio can indicate that a company has an undesirable lack of debt or is paying down too much debt with earnings that could be used for other projects. The rationale is that a company would yield greater returns by investing its earnings into other projects and borrowing at a lower cost of capital than what it is currently paying to meet its debt obligations. Analysis : The company have a high time interest earned ratio in this few year and the ratio keep increase. This suggests that this company is less burdened by debt expense and the company has no problem in settling its interest expenses in the future.Profitability Ratio Gross Profit Margin=Gross profit margin/Net sales 2008| 2009| 2010| (3,948,155,000/10,500,307,000)x100=37. 60%| (4,015,055,000/9,715,568,000)x100=41. 33%| (4,738,265,000/11,035,597,000)x100=42. 94%| The gross margin is not an exact estimate of the company's pricing strategy but it does give a good indication of financial health. Without an adequate gross margin , a company will be unable to pay its operating and other expenses and build for the future. Net Profit Margin=(Earning to common stockholders/sales)x100% 2008| 2009| 2010| (2,622,660,000/10,500,307,000)x100=24. 98%| (2,551,540,000/9,715,568,000)x100=26. 6%| (3,099,077,000/11,035,597,000)x100=28. 08%| Net profit margin is the ratio of net profit to revenues a company’s pricing strategy and operating efficiency. Return On Assets=(Earning to common stockholders/total assets)x100% 2008| 2009| 2010| (2,622,660,000/196,163,106,000)x100=1. 34%| (2,551,540,000/217,136,154,000)x100=1. 18%| (3,099,077,000/226,328,976,000)x100=1. 37%| Return on assets is an indicator of how profitable a company is relative to its total asset, the ratio measures how efficient management is at using its assets to generate earning. Return On Equity=(Earning to common stockholders/total equity)x100% 2008| 2009| 2010| 2,622,660,000/10,228,732,000)x100=25. 64%| (2,551,540,000/11,715,324,000)x100=21. 78%| (3, 099,077,000/13,685,088,000)x100=22. 65%| Return on equity  measures a corporation's profitability  by revealing how much  profit a company generates  with the  money  shareholders have invested. Analysis : Public Bank Berhad have a very high net profit margin and the profit increase from 24. 98% in year 2008 to 26. 26% in year 2009. When in year 2010, it rise to 28. 08% again. It’s mean this company generate 24. 98% in year 2008, 26. 26% in year 2009 and 28. 08% in year 2010 for every RM100 sales. Furthermore, the return on assets are in the high rate.In the year 2008, the ROA is 1. 34% and it decreased to 1. 18% in the year 2009. However, in year 2010 the ROA increases to 1. 37%. It’s because of Public Bank has expanded its self –service channels such as Automated Teller Machines, Cheque Deposit Machines and Cash Deposit Terminals to 1,400 machines to serve its large customer base. The ROE for this company in year 2008 is 25. 64%. However it drops t o 21. 78% in the year 2009. The ROE increases again in the year 2010 to 22. 65%. It’s mean this company is more capable of generating cash internally. For the example, Public Bank Berhad is able to pay its shareholders the return he interest of 25. 64% in the year 2008. Conclusion The Overall of our research about Public Bank Berhad have a very good performance. The Public Bank group should seek to tap all growth opportunities arising from the improving economic and business environment, with the aim of delivering superior shareholder value over the long-term. Retail consumer and commercial banking should remain the core focus of the Group. In consumer financing, the group should continue to promote home mortgages, passenger vehicle hire purchase financing and personal financing. RecommendationOverall all our research about Public Bank Berhad and its competitors, Public Bank Berhad was performance very well in this 3 years. Especially when come to the year 2010, the profit be fore tax increases by 23. 0%. The Group’s gross loans, advances and financing recorded strong growth of 13. 8% in 2010, with the Group’s domestic lending business growing 15. 6% during the year. However, Gross impaired loans ratio drop by 0. 03%. The financial pandemic in late 2008 and 2009 that threatened to push the global economy into a deep recession was largely contained through the concerted efforts of the world’s major government and central banks.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Euthyphro Definitions

It’s important to understand the role the gods play in Euthyphro’s definitions of piety. According to the Athenian culture, wrongdoers did wrong deeds to both society and the gods. When they were prosecuted by society, it was also for the sake of the gods. It was ungodly to commit crimes. When Socrates proposed that Euthyphro explain what was pious in prosecuting his father, Euthyphro ultimately ended up feeding Socrates definitions that were only examples of what piety is. In Euthyphro’s first definition he explains that piety is prosecuting the offender, and impiety is the omission of the offender’s crime. His definition suggests that piety is bringing the wrongdoer before a jury. Socrates rejects this as a definition because it merely illustrates what Euthyphro considers a pious act. It’s an example. â€Å"You only tell me that what you are doing now, namely, prosecuting your father for murder, is a pious act.† (6D). Socrates explains that he is looking for the natural universal definition that everyone can agree upon and not several instances/examples of pious acts. Euthyphro’s second attempt to explain piety: â€Å"What is dear to the gods is pious, and what is not is impious.† (7A). According to Euthyphro, what is favorable to the gods is pious, and what is not favorable to the gods is impious. Socrates counters this by exposing the god’s well-known disagreements. Euthyphro has admitted that the gods love the pious and hate the impious in chorus with disagreeing between themselves. This permits them to love and hate what is pious, and simultaneously agree and disagree on the same things. The god’s lack of harmony doesn’t validate Euthyphro’s definition and only shows how he’s furnished another condition/quality of piety. Euthyphro’s third definition is â€Å"piety is what all the gods love, and that impiety is what they all hate.† (9E). Euthyphro eliminated Socrates’ point of... Free Essays on Euthyphro Definitions Free Essays on Euthyphro Definitions It’s important to understand the role the gods play in Euthyphro’s definitions of piety. According to the Athenian culture, wrongdoers did wrong deeds to both society and the gods. When they were prosecuted by society, it was also for the sake of the gods. It was ungodly to commit crimes. When Socrates proposed that Euthyphro explain what was pious in prosecuting his father, Euthyphro ultimately ended up feeding Socrates definitions that were only examples of what piety is. In Euthyphro’s first definition he explains that piety is prosecuting the offender, and impiety is the omission of the offender’s crime. His definition suggests that piety is bringing the wrongdoer before a jury. Socrates rejects this as a definition because it merely illustrates what Euthyphro considers a pious act. It’s an example. â€Å"You only tell me that what you are doing now, namely, prosecuting your father for murder, is a pious act.† (6D). Socrates explains that he is looking for the natural universal definition that everyone can agree upon and not several instances/examples of pious acts. Euthyphro’s second attempt to explain piety: â€Å"What is dear to the gods is pious, and what is not is impious.† (7A). According to Euthyphro, what is favorable to the gods is pious, and what is not favorable to the gods is impious. Socrates counters this by exposing the god’s well-known disagreements. Euthyphro has admitted that the gods love the pious and hate the impious in chorus with disagreeing between themselves. This permits them to love and hate what is pious, and simultaneously agree and disagree on the same things. The god’s lack of harmony doesn’t validate Euthyphro’s definition and only shows how he’s furnished another condition/quality of piety. Euthyphro’s third definition is â€Å"piety is what all the gods love, and that impiety is what they all hate.† (9E). Euthyphro eliminated Socrates’ point of...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Reflective writing during nursing clinical placement Essay

Reflective writing during nursing clinical placement - Essay Example It was a night shift in accident and emergency section. I was assisting my mentor, the head nurse in A & E section. A teenager was brought in by the medical staff, he was slender and weak, partially in state of paranoia, and had stains of vomit on his shirt. The person, who brought in the teenager, told us that they have found this junkie from the suburbs of the city. He was caught by the police for using amphetamine in the public. My mentor told me that it was a test of nerves to look after drug abusers. Their states vary extensively, and it is important to determine that which drug has been used, and what was the most obvious mode of intake of that drug. She predicted that amphetamine was ingested orally by this patient, so we had to wash out out his stomach by using activated charcoal.The purpose of activated charcoal is to remove amphetamine from GI by vomiting (, 2014). Diazepam and Lorazepam are used to calm down the patient. To recover dehydration intravenous in jection of fluids may be used (Lewis, et al., 2013). Hyperthermia is controlled by using wet blankets and ice packs. Intravenous diazepam is administered during amphetamine overdose when seizures are present. For hypertension nitroglycerin and labetol is recommended . If the state of the patient is in danger, serotonin toxicity must be administered (, 2014). Drug addicts are hard to manage, it is not only their physiological state that needs to be considered, but their psychological state must also be taken into the account.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Interactive Planning and Occupational Safety Research Paper

Interactive Planning and Occupational Safety - Research Paper Example Such can be said on COPPST Circuitry. It is a global organization with site-level units in ten US states, a site in Canada, another in Nigeria, and several in Europe and Asia. The most recent emergency that occurred at one of the US sites of COPS Circuitry should be considered as a learning opportunity, as well as a time to propose an interactive planned improvement to encompass mandated safety standards in the site. In planning for safety, Leeman (14) described four parts of this phase in the planning process the systems analysis, obstruction analysis, reference projections, and reference scenarios. The Occupational Health and Safety Hazard Administration (OSHA) provides an extensive standard and guideline for employers and managers that address the four said parts of the planning process. ... Â  mission (EOCC), Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Department of Transportation (DOT), and Department of Homeland Security (DHS). At the state level are Department of Environmental Protection (Air, Water, Soil, Waste, Facility Response Plans, and Emergency Notification), Department of Health and Human Services (Radiation Control Program), State Office of the Fire Marshall (Occupancy and Life Safety Codes), Department of Economic and Community Development, Department of Labor (Workers Comp, Disability, etc.), Department of Public Safety, and the Department of Transportation. And at the local level are Code Compliance Division, Planning and Development Department, and the Water Resource Protection Department. Together with the employers, they play a crucial role in the provision of safety in the workplace. Interactive Planning These various levels and agencies of the government all contribute to the mass knowledge and information in t he formulation of interactive planning for the organizational operations. Various standards are required by these agencies to be met, with the continuing and safe operations of businesses as end-goal. These include safety of workers at the workplace and structural standards and procedures that ensure safety and environmental requirement compliance are met. However, additional considerations include the welfare and goals of the various stakeholders of COPS Circuitry. They are the employees, customers, suppliers, distributors, other local businesses, the local community, corporate OHS, other business units, and the overall corporation.